Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Under the influence

The following is an account of a brief moment of messianic revelation, a technopathic epiphany of sorts that dawned upon me after several bong hits and a couple of glasses of alcohol. Yes, I was very high and slightly intoxicated when this was thought up and written, I was also watching Cronenberg's version of "The Fly" so I suppose that would account for the fixation on human teleportation.

"Alright, so, teleporters exist. They can teleport entangled particles around 10 miles right now. Imagine teleporting a human; motion is constant, you're always moving even if you're trying to sit still and do nothing, there's an issue of balance and the vibration of your atoms, the way your composition affects and interacts with the world that surrounds you. The machine would only capture a momentary you, literally momentary, but since moments are infinitely complex, there's some factors to consider here.
One: it captures the person at the moment, let's say, you waved your arm.
Two: it creates an exact copy of that moment by transmitting information simultaneous to the particle it's entangled with so they're both affected locally and it sends it to the 'other side' as entangled information, bit by bit.
You come back at that same exact moment in a different point in spacetime, but what about the motion when you were originally in the teleporter? Think about it, it's instantaneous so it both happened afterward and during. That is to say, the motion itself isn't interrupted as much as it's moved, but you can still reach the conclusion that the moment was erased from that particular point in spacetime due to it not being continued in its 'assigned' spacetime.
Here's where it gets somewhat crazy. A whole fraction of a second and a potential action are erased, you skip a moment in time and appear at another one, that whole portion of your spacetime simply disappears, comparable to a missing frame in a movie reel. Because it has no place, it simply does not happen, this is logical. However, what if people found a way to expand that moment, the moment you're being copied? An individual could commit crimes during that 'dead time', that time will be erased, time lost in time, the materialization period would extend and stretch time itself. The individual living in the 'dead time' is a pre-copy, the copy is exactly the individual it was, memories and all, when it was moved at that instant, the person in 'dead time' is the continuation of the motion being interrupted, the waving hand. The idea is that this image is stored in a sort of dimensional pocket, an instantaneous pocket that is meant to be destroyed post-teleportation, that is the missing frame. I call it quantum imaging processing."

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