Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I have found that as of late the mornings on our timid little island have been nothing short of unbearably pleasant. The weather has cooled down considerably in sharp contrast to the objectionable heat wave that had washed upon us, a most welcome change. Perhaps more importantly the cold also marks a stark silence in all things; it is as the birth of the universe, after all the fanfare and loudness of existence and creation in a fraction of a second comes the deceptively simple quiet.
The universe was a cold, opaque space merely 3 minutes after its conception, emptiness proliferated in what little space had expanded and though its fearful symmetry had since been devoured by the violent rapt and strewn fabrics of reality it was very much at its preferred state. Yes, nature, though ruthlessly fair and neutral in its adjudication had already chosen its natural disposition, the tense span of its dimensional gamut was a strain it could not bear and thus a separation was immanent, this is in fact how the world as we know it eventually came to be, it splintered from a 10 dimensional universe to a 4 and 6 dimensional universe; imagine if you will a small bed sheet wrapped tightly upon a large bed, if you somehow managed to successfully cling each corner the strain would be so great that eventually the sheet would either rip or pull one of its corners free, returning to a state where less potential energy is amassed. The most natural state of energy is to be free, no matter how one would endeavor to seduce it into captivity one would always fail to harvest it for long, water trapped behind a dam wants to flow, helium inside a balloon wants to escape, an object traveling at high velocity wants to collide with another, it is just how nature behaves. And so it is the same with us, man wants to fall, man wants to escape, man wants to flow, man wants to suffer violent collisions at the expense of his own being because buried within us is the same inherent desire for freedom, the kind of truth that not only sets you free but disintegrates your body and your mind flinging your atoms free from its physiological obligations and dissipating your consciousness into the visible world and what lies beyond the infinite dusk at the edge of our universe. However to achieve this one requires more than just introspective devotion, one could swear off living in accordance to all sorts of social norms and never truly live his idealized vision of personal freedom and perhaps therein lies the mistake. What matter of freedom do we speak of when we describe it? Is it limitless possibilities? Boundless decisions unaffected and untainted by conscious objectivity? Is it a derailment or a complete segregation from the norms imposed on us since the day we are born? Is it shedding arbitrary morality and growing into our own version of it? These variables are too great to simply dismiss, these and many others simply stare at your face and taunt you as if boldly proclaiming that thousands of years of social evolution and human history could never be subjugated by a mere thought or action, however, and bear with me here for the idea sounds somewhat romantic, this is not at all the truth. These are addendums, side notes, annotations, footnotes, a mere supplement designed to drown the will to understand and replace it with the will to faith. What is freedom then? Freedom is knowledge, understanding of reality, to truly posses the cognition is not to simply see or hear but to pierce mass and matter and look within the constructs built around it and to realize that it is all utterly meaningless. All exertions end in nothing and our desires for freedom or captivity are all vanity because the truth is the one thing that immanently transcends all that is and ever will be, and this truth is nature and its own inherent properties, the nature of man is to distort and aggrandize itself and the value of its perception whereas the nature of reality is simply to be without the pretense of conscientious expectation of any kind, nature remains inherent unto itself, and this is the mystery I have uncovered, an idea so simple and austere most would choose to bury it beneath the weight of a higher expectation, a weight that is no weight at all, but an illusion as empty as dead space, and not nearly as beautiful. Embracing the emptiness of our struggle in no way cheapens our conscientious experience, not at all; it is the only way to merit it purport.
It is precisely in this silence where I could ever hope to see such a thing, these fleeting moments of stillness will soon slip into the coils of time, and they will forever leave traces of the truth imprinted on my mind.


  1. but can man live of silence alone? let a pleasant and surprising shriek or mechanical clatter accompany you every once an a while. include the tapping of a type writer in that, please, and more often.

  2. I don't advocate living in silence, but embracing it when it is there, the moments are far too few in between.
