Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Further digressions.

Once again I find myself loitering about, vaguely passing from moment to moment. Allow me to dwell on the past for a moment, if you will, referring to the previous post (perhaps more succinctly, the last couple of posts). It is not very often at all that I am given to such lurid displays of rampant emotionalism, that is to say, I'm not a man who lets his persuasions get the best of him, but of course, when it happens, then it certainly does happen. What can one do, really? Given the space, the freedom, the secrecy, one would admit to just about anything. As long as it is true, of course. Perhaps this is already enough time spent dwindling over the fire, strew about some cold words of encouragement, maybe to make myself believe what I mean. It is difficult to say now, to be quite truthful, I believed the weight of the matter could be suffered upon a circumstance, but come now, I'm no child, I try not to be a fabulist, and I would not consider myself particularly deceitful, quite the contrary, I value honesty as perhaps the highest virtue man could ever hope to achieve, as such I try to retain honesty in my judgments and experiences, the most important of course being the latter. What have I to gain from duplicity? Glory belongs to oblivion, our existence is so delicate and ephemeral that all traces of fame and the grandeur we adorn ourselves with, for all its splendors and effulgence is tarnished by entropy, time itself abnegates its denouement, vainglory, vanities, ostentation, narcissism, all things end in nothing.

Few thoughts comfort me as these do; the dispersal of atoms, to scatter my breath across the universe, that perhaps one day these trembling hands will finally be still.

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